WorkerSafety Pro – Self Monitored Emergency Response Plan Example

The following is a template that organizations may use when incorporating WorkerSafety Pro into their existing emergency response plan and safety procedures.

This document is not meant to replace any existing policies that your organization may have in place and may be irrelevant to your organization’s existing emergency response plan.

For Self-Monitored Organizations

SOS Emergency Alarm Response

The following alarm types are all deliberate alarms. Deliberate alarms require action taken by the worker to request help.

Possible Alarm Types:

  • In-app SOS
  • Bluetooth button SOS
  • SOS from satellite device
  • Crash Detected (iPhone 14 or newer)

Step 1: SOS Emergency Received

All emergency contacts will receive a phone call, text message, and email about the emergency. These notifications quickly highlight who experienced the emergency and what type of emergency it was.

Step 2: Attempting Contact

After the emergency message is relayed, the phone call that is placed to emergency contacts will attempt to automatically connect them with the user that triggered the alarm.

If the user answers the phone call, ask the user if they need help and, what type of help they need (i.e., ambulance, police, fire department).

If the user does not answer the phone call, start step 3.

Step 3: Gathering Information

As mentioned in Step 1, all emergency contacts are sent emergency notifications for the alarm. In the text message and email there is a link to an emergency page which details all the information related to the alarm.

Step 4: Provide Information to Emergency Authorities

Once you have accessed the emergency page and gathered any other necessary information, click on the orange “Local 911 Contact” button to see the 911 dispatch number that is closest to the user’s location.

Click on the phone number or dial directly to place a call to 911 provide the user’s name, location, alarm type, and any other relevant information you may have.

Other relevant information may include:

  • The type of work the user was performing
  • Gate and door codes
  • Safety hazards to be aware of
  • GPS Coordinates

If your organization has its own emergency response team, please contact them, provide the information from the emergency page, and ask them to deploy resources to the user’s location.

Non – SOS Emergency Response

The following are automatic alarms and do not require the worker to take deliberate action to request help.

Possible Alarm Types:

  • Missed Check-in
  • Fall Detected
  • Worker Down

Step 1: Non - SOS Emergency Received

All Tier 1 emergency contacts will receive a phone call, text message, and email about the emergency. These notifications quickly highlight who experienced the emergency and what type of an emergency it was.

Step 2: Attempting Contact

After the emergency message is relayed, the phone call that is placed to emergency contacts will automatically connect them with the user.

Step 3: Gathering Information

If the user answers the phone call, ask the user if they need help and what type of help they need (i.e., ambulance, police, fire department).

Step 4: Take additional time to contact the user

Although every alarm should be treated seriously, Non – SOS alarms can be false alarms. Before the countdown time (30 seconds – 5 minutes) expires try to contact those working near the user and see if they can speak with them directly.

Step 5: Provide Information to Emergency Authorities

Once you have accessed the emergency page and gathered any other necessary information, click on the orange “Local 911 Contact” button to see the 911 dispatch number closest to the user’s location.

Provide the user’s name, location, alarm type, and any other relevant information you may have.

Other relevant information may include:

  • The type of work the user was performing
  • Gate and door codes
  • Safety hazards to be aware of
  • GPS Coordinates

If your organization has its own emergency response team, please contact them, provide the information from the emergency page, and ask them to deploy resources to the user’s location.